Why do you need a living will


Living will is a legal document that provides medical instructions while one is alive but unable to communicate their wishes. Unlike healthcare proxy the living will gives advance directive concerning medical care or end of life decisions.   Whereas the health care proxy designates another person to make health care decisions when you are unable to do so. Having a living will help the medical professional to make decision on treatments during the time of critical health issues.

It is important to have a living will to communicate your wishes to loved ones as it related to medical treatment or end of fife decision so it will eliminate assumptions.

Here is what some experts had to say about this topic:


This is one of those things you don’t think you need until you need it and then it is too late. Having a living will means no one has to assume what your wishes are. Also, it can prevent additional confusion during a very stressful time. Having a loved one that is sick to the point that they cannot represent themselves is stressful enough. Trying to figure out what their wishes are can be agonizing. Vanessa Collins, Vanessa Collins LLC,


Having a living will is important because it helps take the guest work out of what you desires are. It helps ease the burden for the family because things need to be done by your wishes. Loss is already hard so the burden needs to alleviate some of the pain they feel. Katrina Henderson, Get Back to Beautiful,


Living wills are important because they allow an individual to put their wishes and desires on paper. It takes the guessing out of end of life decisions. The focus will be on what the individual wants and not what family members decide. NyKedtra Brown, Zing Life Services,



Having a living will takes the stress off family members with trying to decide on what you would want. And prevents division in the family. As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I do not except blood. So I keep a directive card on me at all times in case of an accident. It states what I personally do and do not accept.

Michelle Smith-Landon, Landon These Deals


It is important to have a living will so your family does not have to guess what your wishes are and it will keep down the confusion amongst family members. When it is written down it can be shared w/those family members that are not as involved w/their care as their caregivers.


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